
MAT Standard 1 - Towards Implementation: The MAT Standards Webinar Series

The effective implementation of the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards will transform treatment services and the experience of people in treatment. Delivering the National Mission to Reduce Drug Deaths and the treatment engagement target depends on this transformation being made.

This webinar series will explore how progress with implementation is being made in settings across Scotland and the challenge that remains.

MAT Standard 1 - All people accessing services have the option to start MAT from the same day of presentation.

This means that a person can begin medication on the day they ask for help

Speakers include:

- Trina Ritchie, Lead Clinician and Senior Medical Officer, Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services

- Shelley Jones, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Community Addictions Service, West Lothian

- James Tidder, Consultant Psychiatrist, NHS Borders Addiction Service

This webinar was held on Friday 30th September 2022, 1.00pm - 2.20pm


MAT Standard 2 - Towards Implementation: The MAT Standards Webinar Series


Update event - National Implementation of the MAT Standards for Scotland