MAT Standard 3 - Towards Implementation: The MAT Standards Webinar Series
MAT Standard 3 – All people at high risk of drug-related harm are proactively identified and offered support to commence or continue MAT.
The effective implementation of the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards will transform treatment services and the experience of people in treatment. Delivering the National Mission to Reduce Drug Deaths and the treatment engagement target depends on this transformation being made.
This webinar series will explore how progress with implementation is being made in settings across Scotland and the challenge that remains.
Standard 3 – All people at high risk of drug-related harm are proactively identified and offered support to commence or continue MAT.
If a person is thought to be at high risk because of their drug use, then workers from substance use services will contact the person and offer support including MAT.
Speakers include:
Jackie Aindow and Steven Norman, Specialist Drug & Alcohol Service, NHS Dumfries & Galloway
Trish Tracey, Head of Alcohol and Other Drugs, Turning Point Scotland
Clare Hughes, Senior Services Manager, Transform Forth Valley
This webinar was held on Friday 14th October 2022, 1.00pm - 2.20pm