
MAT Standard 5 - Towards Implementation: The MAT Standards Webinar Series

MAT Standard 5: All people will receive support to remain in treatment for as long as requested.

The effective implementation of the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards will transform treatment services and the experience of people in treatment. Delivering the National Mission to Reduce Drug Deaths and the treatment engagement target depends on this transformation being made.

This webinar series will explore how progress with implementation is being made in settings across Scotland and the challenge that remains.

A person is given support to stay in treatment for as long as they like and at key transition times such as leaving hospital or prison. People are not put out of treatment. There should be no unplanned discharges. When people do wish to leave treatment, they can discuss this with the service, and the service will provide support to ensure people leave treatment safely. Treatment services value the treatment they provide to all the people who are in their care. People will be supported to stay in treatment especially at times when things are difficult for them.

Speakers included:

  • Trina Ritchie, Lead Clinician and Senior Medical Officer, Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services

  • Kate Ainslie, Manager, Borders Addiction Service, NHS Borders

  • Dave Dempster, Substance Misuse Manager, FASS ADAPT, Fife and Angela Swift, Clinical Services Manager, NHS Fife

This webinar was held on Friday 28 October 2022, 1.00pm - 2.20pm


MAT Standard 6 - Towards Implementation: The MAT Standards Webinar Series


MAT Standard 4 - Towards Implementation: The MAT Standards Webinar Series